When we invest ourselves in a local church community, the congregation helps us grow in our faith. We can be apart of helping the church community grow into the blessing God desires for us to be. At First United Methodist Church of Arlington, we want to help you grow in your faith. The church can truly be a symbolic relationship for everyone around us.
The future seems less and less knowable. It’s increasingly difficult to make plans with any degree of certainty. As people of faith, we can grumble and complain about not having control or we can realize that no matter where we find ourselves, God is with us.
It’s been a weird year. Family traditions and church traditions may not look the same as they always have. It may feel like Christmas just can’t or won’t happen this year. Yet, we’re reminded through the story of that first Christmas that it happens anyway.
Finding unity in God’s unconditional love and grace allows us to be thankful for all of God’s children – even those who vote, believe, and think differently than we do. Christ insisted on unity of purpose, vision, and love no matter our differences. Let us journey together to find unity not division, to be united, not divided!
In the strange new realities that we find ourselves in, how do we continue to find and see God clearly? We are promised that God is always with us and that we are never alone, but seeing God and God’s work in our daily living can be a great challenge. Join us the next several weeks as we seek to learn how to see God in our midst.
Based in part on Barbara Brown Taylor’s book “An Altar in the World”
Jesus said if we love God and love neighbor most everything else will fall into line. We also see through our faith tradition that we can best do that if we focus on three simple rules for life, “do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God”
The faith of those we read about in scripture and those who have gone before us show us so many things a bout who we are as human beings and about God.