Worship Services

Worship meets a vital need in our lives, it celebrates and nurtures our relationship with God. We worship to experience the presence of God and to be reminded of God's love.

But how we choose to meet God, to have that intimate conversation, can be as different as each person who walks through the church's door. At First United Methodist Church of Arlington, we offer different styles of worship services each Sunday to help you have that personal encounter with God's presence, so you can be renewed by the experience.


Sunday | 11:00 am | Sanctuary

In this service led by Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes, you’ll find relevant scripture & messages, traditional hymns, reverent music, and liturgy in our historical sanctuary.

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Sunday | 8:45 am | Great Hall

For those seeking a more contemporary style of singing God's praise, they are welcome to attend the service in the church's Great Hall at 9 am. Center313, a praise band, and the youth Testament Choir provide the music. 

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Service Time: 10:00 am &12:00 pm in Room 114
Tiempo de servicio: Al mediodía en sala 114

Somos una comunidad hispana acogedora que crece en gracia a través de la adoración y el estudio, a su vez compartimos el amor de Dios al servir a los necesitados. Ministerio Hispano Cristo Rey es dirigido por nuestra Pastora Ada Fonseca y somos parte de “First United Methodist Church of Arlington”. Queremos que seas parte de nuestro ministerio y de nuestra comunidad de Fe.

En nuestro servicio de adoración, buscamos experimentar la presencia de Dios a través de nuestro compromiso con las escrituras, la música, la oración y los sacramentos.

La Primera Iglesia Metodista Unida de Arlington cree que no importa de donde somos o qué lengua hablamos porque somos todos miembros de la familia de Dios. Por eso tenemos un servicio de adoración hispanohablante cada domingo para extender las paredes de nuestra iglesia para incluir la comunidad circundante. La liturgía está completamente en español pero todos están bienvenidos, no importa qué lengua hablan.

First United Methodist Church of Arlington believes that no matter where we come from or what language we speak, we are all members of God’s family. For this reason, we have a Spanish-speaking service every Sunday in an effort to expand the walls of our church into the surrounding community. The liturgy is completely in Spanish, but all are welcome no matter what language they speak.