Worship Guide
Welcome to worship! Below, you'll find information for today's services.
register 8:45 am worship attendance register 11 am worship attendance
Welcome to worship! Below, you'll find information for today's services.
register 8:45 am worship attendance register 11 am worship attendance
When we invest ourselves in a local church community, that congregation can help us grow in our faith, and we can also assist that church community in growing into the blessing God desires us to be. At First UMC Arlington, we want to help you grow, and we know we need you to help us grow. The church can genuinely be a symbiotic relationship.
Thank you for being so supportive of our ministries! We are so excited about what God is doing in and through First UMC Arlington, and we are so grateful for the important part that you play in making us the church that God wants us to be in our community and world.
How can we pray for you this week?
Monday-Thursday, 9 am-3 pm
313 N Center St. Arlington, TX 76011