
Catch up on online worship for our current and previous sermon series below.

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Stories From the Table

There is no better way for us to learn about the amazing presence of God’s love and how we can learn from that love than by looking at the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the perfect example of how God loves us and how we are supposed to live as faithful disciples. Looking at the stories of Jesus around the table while he lived here among us gives us insights, learnings, and hope about how we too can be more inviting around the tables in life.

Gather Around God's Table

Join us as we begin this new year gathered around God’s table. We will seek together to connect with God through Holy Communion and through Holy Baptism as we see the thin space between our experience and God’s unconditional love and claim on our lives. God has set an amazing table of abundance for all of us, come and join us around God’s table.

Journey to Christmas

As we look ahead to celebrating Christmas, we realize that the greatest journey ever taken was God’s journey to be born among us in the person of Jesus Christ. God has been so willing to do anything to come and be with us and show us that we are never alone. How can we learn about our journey, as we look at the journeys connected to the first Christmas, so that we might be more connected to God’s love, presence, and grace this Christmas season?

Cultivate a Grateful Journey

Our attitude and how we see the world around us is one of the biggest parts of being a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. For those who are walking daily with Jesus, we see the world through Jesus’ eyes, not just from our human perspective. This means that no matter what, we see reason for gratitude and thanksgiving (rejoicing in all circumstances) and finding the Good News, even in the difficult times of life.

Generosity for the Journey

No journey or trip is possible without the right supplies, planning, and support. Our generosity and our willingness to support the journey that God has called us to is what makes it possible to experience God’s love and presence in our life and in our world. Giving of our gifts is what makes God’s love and grace tangible and real for the people and helps us better understand our relationship with material things and know that all we have is a gift from God.

Jonah's Crazy Journey

One of the greatest purposes of Holy Scripture is to show us stories about God’s people that we can learn from throughout history. Jonah was on a journey of faith and life just like each and every one of us. His journey was a bit more dramatic, but his struggles, triumphs, and attitude along the journey gives us great insight into how we should live, and often insight into how we should not live, as we strive to be faithful followers of God’s love.

Journey of Service

In our journey of life and faith, we do not travel alone, but are always journeying with God and with others who travel the twists, turns, mountains, and valleys of life alongside us. Along the way, we are called to be faithful disciples who work to serve others. During the month of August, our sermon series, “Journey of Service” will take a closer look at how we can use our gifts and abilities to better serve one another.

Sabbath Journey

Giving ourselves a break from the busyness and chaos of life is often challenging. We live over programed, over-scheduled, and over-functioning lives, but God’s grace offers us the ability to stop, reflect, and give thanks for Sabbath rest.

Values Along the Journey

During this series we'll be looking at some of the values we hold onto on our journey to the life God wants for us, such as vibrant worship, unconditional grace & forgiveness, joyous generosity, extraordinary hospitality, engaging growth, and community connection.

Journey to New Life

As we journey from wherever we have been to where we are going, we must remember that we are always Easter people and should be defined by the hope of new beginnings, new opportunities, and new life in Jesus Christ. 

Journey to the Cross

Just as Jesus journeyed to the cross, we too journey through pain, suffering, and loss. Join us on a Lenten journey as we find God’s grace, comfort, healing, and presence even as we “walk through the valley of the shadow of death”. -Psalm 23

Into the Unknown

The future seems less and less knowable. It’s increasingly difficult to make plans with any degree of certainty. As people of faith, we can grumble and complain about not having control or we can realize that no matter where we find ourselves, God is with us.