
A willingness to serve is the greatest indicator of a Christ-focused and healthy church. First United Methodist Church of Arlington is committed to providing its members opportunities to serve and share the love of Christ with our neighbors and with people around the world. Below are some of the many ways you can get involved at First UMC Arlington

Sunday Morning Usher

Worship Ministries

Ushering is a great opportunity to serve guests and our First Church family! In addition to being a welcoming face, you'll also help in checking in and seating folks so we can ensure that we are worshiping as safely as possible at this time.

Other ushering duties can include:

  • Be available to meet people as they enter the worship space and then assist them
    throughout the service.
  • Identify newcomers, ask their names, answer their questions and help them with items to
    make them comfortable.
  • Offer to escort people to restrooms, childcare facilities, and other areas of the church they
    need to find.
  • Offer assistance with finding seats; ask members to make way for guests.
  • Assist with preparing the worship area and help keep it looking presentable.

If you're interested in being an usher on Sunday mornings, contact Sean Hale.