Make a Friend at the Table

Series: Faith To Go

Make a Friend at the Table

September 30, 2022 | Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes

Passage: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Our faith means very little if we keep it to ourselves or only share with those who are already gathered around our table. We must invite new persons to the table and take our faith out into the world to share the nourishment of God’s amazing love with the world around us. How can we be more invitation and more mobile in the way we share our life and love with all of God’s children?

Series Information

Our faith means very little if we keep it to ourselves or only share with those who are already gathered around our table. We must invite new persons to the table and take our faith out into the world to share the nourishment of God’s amazing love with the world around us. How can we be more invitation and more mobile in the way we share our life and love with all of God’s children?

Other sermons in the series