Jesus Our Host

Series: Come as You Are

Jesus Our Host

August 26, 2022 | Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes

Passage: Luke 22:14-27

Every table we gather around, and every event we are a part of, Jesus is our host. Jesus prepares the table before us in life, and it is his love and grace that makes space for us and others at that table. Remembering that we, nor anyone else is the true host, and that Jesus Christ is at the center of every table, changes our life and world.

Series Information

When we talk about gathering around the table, the communion table that Christ set for us in the last supper is a perfect example of how God invites us, teaches us, and gives us what we need to move forward in our faith. As we gather around God’s table, may we seek to make our tables in life more like Christ’s table and may we learn of God’s grace and love in each and every meal that we partake or prepare.

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