Forward with Hope | 9 am

Series: Forward to Courage

Forward with Hope | 9 am

August 13, 2023 | Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes

Passage: Luke 5:17-26

Jesus heals people in a variety of ways, but spiritual healing and forgiveness helps us move forward into a hope filled life with Christ. We may or may not be able to heal people physically, but we can all offer forgiveness, grace, and love that heals spiritually and emotionally.

Series Information

It takes true courage to live the life that God calls us to live. Learning to move forward through life with the courage that the Holy Spirit can provide us allows us to experience and share Christ’s love in new and meaningful ways.

Other sermons in the series

July 30, 2023

Be Real | 9 am

Jesus was very good at telling people the honest truth about difficult...