Blessed at God’s Table

Series: More Than Enough

Blessed at God’s Table

November 04, 2022 | Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes

Passage: Psalms 112:1-10

For those who learn to live lives of generosity, God’s blessings of peace and love follow them throughout life. This is not the kind of worldly blessings too many refer to (such as prosperity or fortune) but instead the blessing of knowing that we are living for the purpose for which we were created. We are blessed to be a blessing, and we are blessed when we are a blessing.

Series Information

Too often we see scarcity and feel as though we do not have what we need, but with God, we always have more than enough. Stewardship means using what God has given us in meaningful ways to know God’s love ourselves and to share that unconditional love with others. When God prepares a table before us, there is an abundance. How can we operate out of a sense of that abundance with all that we say and do?

Other sermons in the series