Anticipation (Palm/Passion Sunday)

Series: Holy Week 2022

Anticipation (Palm/Passion Sunday)

April 08, 2022 | Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes

Passage: Luke 19:28-40

Join Pastor Chris and Pastor Michelle for Table Worship as we prepare for Palm/Passion Sunday. As we enter Holy Week, we recognize that the story of Jesus’ last week is not just an story of ancient history, but it is also a story of our responses to life and the call of God in our lives. The crowds around Jesus quickly turn from shouts of praise and excitement, to shouts of hatred and crucifixion. The fickleness of the human experience happened then and happens now when we are confronted with the life, love, and teachings of Jesus, but the story is not really about us, or the people in Jesus’ time - the story is about the amazing grace and love that Jesus offers us all! Our Palm/Passion Sunday scripture are Luke 19:28-40 & Luke 23:13-21.

Series Information

This year we will journey through the last week of Jesus’ life on earth together. The final days of Jesus teach us a lot about the sacrificial love we are all given as well as how quickly we as God’s people can go from shouting “Hosanna” to “Crucify Him”. While it’s a dark week in our history as God’s people, it shows the immense love God has for each of us in the person of Jesus Christ.

Other sermons in the series