Rev. Michelle Clark
Associate Pastor of Care Connections
Office: 817-274-2571 x229
Pastor Michelle began working on staff at First United Methodist Church Arlington in the fall of 2000 as the Director of Mission and Outreach, a ministry that fit well with her training as a master level social worker at the University of Texas at Arlington. Throughout the last 20 years, Michelle served alongside the congregation to develop relationships with our neighbors in the immediate neighborhood through schools and local shelters, as well as, with our larger national and international neighbors on mission trips, Habitat for Humanity builds, and raising awareness for various world needs.
In 2019, Michelle felt led to become a licensed local pastor in the United Methodist Church and was appointed as the Associate Pastor of Congregational Care in January of 2020. She attends classes at SMU Perkins School of Theology Course of Study throughout the year.
Michelle's favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8 "He has told you, human one, what is good and what the LORD requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God." With this lens, Michelle lives her life and serves God's people with her whole heart, sharing the love of Christ.
Michelle lives in Arlington with her husband Cliff Clark. She has three children, one dog, one grand dog, and a fish. In her spare time, Michelle loves to play tennis, garden, read, travel, and cheer on the UTA basketball teams!