Your gift helps us love God & people and live into the dreams and hopes God has for us as a family of faith. 

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Giving at Church

We encourage all members of our Church family to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, our community, and the world around us.

Worship With Generosity

On November 5, we begin our "Forward By Generosity" series.

God’s generosity is truly amazing, and we have all been given so very much from God’s love. Moving into our new normal, we must learn to follow God's example and be extravagantly generous to the world around us. We have been given so very much, and all we have and all that we are is entrusted to us to be used to share Christ’s love.

We ask that you prayerfully discern how you can give of your gifts and faithfully live out of abundance and hope. Please fill out your 2024 estimated giving card and return it in worship on November 19, or give online at the link found on this page. As a congregation, we will express our gratitude to God and present our cards, representing our commitment to God’s ministry through our church.

Ways to Give

Your information is held securely by an SSL-encrypted connection. This information will remain private and never be given away to third parties other than to process your scheduled contributions.

Give Online

For more information on giving,
contact Heather Hanson,
Business and Finance Administrator.

ways to give

Other giving opportunities

  • Youth Stock Sales: Your support and investment in our youth ministry enable our youth to go on three summer trips to share the love of God: the Junior High Mission Trip, the Senior High Mission Trip, and the annual Testament Choir Tour. The youth sell stocks every year to help raise funds for these trips. Stocks are $25 each—you can purchase one or as many as you'd like! Thank you for being so supportive of our fantastic youth!
  • Prayer Garden Brick Pavers: Would you like to remember or honor someone with a marker at FUMCA? Consider funding an engraved brick paver for the prayer garden. All net proceeds go to the FUMC Church Facilities Endowment Fund. Contact Heather Hanson for more information.

What an amazing time to be a part of what God is doing in and through First United Methodist Church of Arlington. Each week we welcome new families to worship, serve in vital and life-changing ways in our schools and community, and grow together in our faith as God’s family. During this past year, we have so many things to celebrate and be thankful for, and all of this is because of God’s goodness and your generosity.

A church cannot grow, cannot serve, and cannot help people grow in their faith without the prayers, time, and treasures that you so generously offer back to God through our congregation.

As you can imagine, everything we do to offer Christ’s love to the world requires the dedication of many people, many hours, and many dollars, and God works together to create ministries and missions that impact each of us and the community around us. I am so very thankful for the way First UMC has stepped into a new normal of truly being a church that is not just here for ourselves or those within our walls, but a church that is here to share Christ’s love with the world.

In addition, your generosity is helping us lay the vitally important foundations for the future generations who will come after us to experience a meaningful life of faith. The amazing ways that we have seen growth in our children’s and youth departments are testimony to the reality that God is helping us raise up the next faithful congregation of people who can share Christ’s love with the world.

In 2023 we have seen the cost of doing everything rise in our homes, businesses, and church. As we prepare for 2024, we know that to do the same level of ministry we have done this previous year, it will take increased funds, and to grow and do even more will require all of us to prayerfully consider how we can be as generous as possible. Please join us in dreaming about what God wants for 2024 and how you might be a vitally important part of that ministry.

Thank you again for your amazing generosity and for considering how you can continue to help us move forward with generosity into God’s hopeful and bright future here at First UMC Arlington.

Rev. Dr. Chris J. Hayes
Senior Pastor, First UMC Arlington

Our Capital Improvements Journey Continues...

Shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic turned so many things upside-down, we set a goal of making improvements to our church facility in order to increase hospitality and better love our neighbors who come to our beautiful church. Many of you generously participated, but our fundraising efforts were put on hold during the pandemic. Fortunately, with the funds already raised we have completed several of these needed improvements during this past year.

As we look to the end of 2022, we hope to finish raising the necessary funds for these vital projects and be able to complete improvements. Please consider how you might go over and beyond your budgeted giving to help make these projects of hospitality a reality. Thank you for your generosity!

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  1. Sanctuary Sound Completed
  2. Sanctuary Video and Production Completed
  3. Children’s Downstairs Improvements Completed
  4. Children’s Upstairs Improvements $ 30,000 Completed
  5. Great Hall Video and Production $ 70,000 In Progress
  6. Way Finding and Hospitality Signage $ 65,000
  7. Gathering Area $ 75,000
  8. Downstairs Main Hall Bathrooms $ 75,000
  9. Children’s Playground $ 50,000



give online to the capital campaign